Featured Servers

Rank Title Location Players Status
2 FS22 Server 𝐈𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐘 | Grain United Kingdom 8/16 Online
3 FS25 Server 𝐈𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐘 | Grain United Kingdom 3/16 Online
4 FS25 Server NDF-Lands | Silage United Kingdom 10/16 Online
5 FS22 Server United Farmlands Silage United Kingdom 10/14 Online
6 FS25 Server 𝐈𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐘 | Silage United Kingdom 11/16 Online


These are all servers that can be sorted to find the server you want to see.
Rank Title Location Players Status
410 FS22 Server Build Your Own Farm Canada 0/0 Offline
157 FS25 Server BrothersTrust United States 0/16 Online
515 FS22 Server Borgeby Sweden 0/0 Offline
406 FS25 Server BlueBuckFarms United States Of America 0/0 Offline
146 FS25 Server Blue Farming United States 0/16 Online
495 FS22 Server Blue Co***r Farms Sub Server United States 0/0 Offline
228 FS22 Server Blazing Pitchforks Unknown 0/10 Online
220 FS22 Server Blackout PC United States 0/10 Online
285 FS22 Server Blackout Logging USA 0/0 Offline
536 FS25 Server Binks Farm Multiplayer Server USA 0/0 Offline
48 FS25 Server Big Timber Logging INC. US 2/10 Online
550 FS25 Server Big Grain Farm FS25 USA 0/0 Offline
456 FS25 Server Big Grain Farm FS25 usa 0/0 Offline
112 FS22 Server Big Grain Farm United States 0/16 Online
571 FS25 Server BGA Mais Silage Haeckseln Germany 0/0 Offline
227 FS25 Server BelgaFarm Europe 0/16 Online
447 FS22 Server BCF FARMS United States 0/0 Offline
195 FS22 Server BC - Over Medium Canada 0/16 Online
231 FS22 Server BC - Over Easy 2x Canada 0/0 Offline
253 FS22 Server BC - Over Easy 16x Canada 0/0 Offline
214 FS22 Server BC - Hard Boiled Canada 0/0 Offline
270 FS22 Server BC - Biscuits & Gravy Canada 0/0 Offline
77 FS25 Server BBB SILAGE United Kingdom 0/16 Online
121 FS25 Server BBB GRAIN UK 0/0 Offline
135 FS25 Server Bandits United States 0/16 Online
Displaying 451-475 of 588

Server List Info

The following icons may be found in the server lists.
Featured Servers - Top active servers that have high rankings.
Trending Servers - Servers that have higher than normal player activity.
Verified Servers - Servers that are verified with premium status.
New Servers - Servers that were added within the past 30 days.
Seasoned Servers - Servers that have been around over 6 months.
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Farm Sim Game

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FSG Game Servers

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