Featured Servers

Rank Title Location Players Status
1 FS22 Server DF-silage United Kingdom 2/16 Online
2 FS25 Server MB S & G United Kingdom 10/16 Online
3 FS22 Server HH Silage United kingdom 12/12 Online
4 FS25 Server MB Silage United Kingdom 0/16 Online
5 FS25 Server SSC United States 5/16 Online


These are all servers that can be sorted to find the server you want to see.
Rank Title Location Players Status
673 FS25 Server Highland Farms | Silage Unknown 0/0 Offline
661 FS25 Server Plow Your Path United Kingdom 0/0 Offline
686 FS25 Server Blazing PitchForks North America 0/0 Offline
580 FS22 Server !!!The Beginnings (24/7 server) United States 0/0 Offline
321 FS25 Server NDF-Lands | Members PC United Kingdom 0/0 Offline
690 FS22 Server Diddly Squat Farms United Kingdom 0/0 Offline
687 FS25 Server test Unknown 0/0 Offline
670 FS25 Server Highland Farms | Grain Unknown 0/0 Offline
692 FS25 Server Stockton Farms United States 0/0 Offline
699 FS25 Server volvo klubben (EU) Helsinki, Finland 0/0 Offline
667 FS25 Server AGRO REIDAS LT Lithuania 0/0 Offline
679 FS25 Server Midwest-muti untied states 0/0 Offline
694 FS25 Server XxSILAGE25xX United Kingdom 0/0 Offline
656 FS25 Server Lockout Silage United Kingdom 0/0 Offline
653 FS22 Server F4L Farmlands | SILAGE UNITED STATES 0/0 Offline
648 FS25 Server F4L-SILAGE UNITED STATES 0/0 Offline
689 FS25 Server F4L-GRAIN UNITED STATES 0/0 Offline
684 FS25 Server F4L-LOGGING UNITED STATES 0/0 Offline
658 FS25 Server F4L-SILAGE | GRAIN UNITED STATES 0/0 Offline
697 FS22 Server HFS/G Unknown 0/0 Offline
696 FS25 Server Highland Farms | Productions United Kingdom 0/0 Offline
630 FS22 Server Jesus's MultiFarm (SLH) london 0/0 Offline
700 FS22 Server Rustic Farms | SILAGE UNITED STATES 0/0 Offline
701 FS25 Server RF-GRAIN UNITED STATES 0/0 Offline
357 FS25 Server Super_Eindje Eindhoven 0/0 Offline
Displaying 651-675 of 719

Server List Info

The following icons may be found in the server lists.
Featured Servers - Top active servers that have high rankings.
Trending Servers - Servers that have higher than normal player activity.
Verified Servers - Servers that are verified with premium status.
New Servers - Servers that were added within the past 30 days.
Seasoned Servers - Servers that have been around over 6 months.

Farming Simulator

Farming Simulator 25 is the latest installment of Farming Simulator for PC, XBOX Series S/X, and PS5. Farm Sim Game system monitor dedicated servers every minute.

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Farming Simulator 25 is the previous installment of Farming Simulator for PC, XBOX 360 / Series S/X, PS4, and PS5. Farm Sim Game system monitor dedicated servers every minute.

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Farm Sim Game

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