Featured Servers

Rank Title Location Players Status
2 FS22 Server 𝐈𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐘 | Grain United Kingdom 6/16 Online
3 FS25 Server 𝐈𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐘 | Grain United Kingdom 5/16 Online
4 FS25 Server NDF-Lands | Silage United Kingdom 12/16 Online
5 FS25 Server 𝐈𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐘 | Silage United Kingdom 15/16 Online
6 FS22 Server United Farmlands Silage United Kingdom 5/14 Online


These are all servers that can be sorted to find the server you want to see.
Rank Title Location Players Status
214 FS25 Server Rechberghausen Farming Deutschland 0/8 Online
315 FS25 Server JoDennis_TV LS Server deutschland 0/4 Online
303 FS22 Server Farm Tech 2024 Deutschland 0/0 Offline
242 FS22 Server [GER] Friendly-Survivors.de Deutschland 0/0 Offline
268 FS22 Server Jo_Dennis Server2 deutschland 0/0 Offline
379 FS22 Server MP Community Deutschland 0/0 Offline
441 FS22 Server DemoserV****lgenberg Deutschland 0/0 Offline
457 FS22 Server Eclipse City Roleplay [GER] Deutschland 0/0 Offline
468 FS22 Server Milchvieh & Agrar The Eifel deutschland 0/0 Offline
519 FS22 Server (NB LS22-Hof) Deutschland 0/0 Offline
526 FS22 Server OriginFarmingRP | Deutschland Deutschland 0/0 Offline
505 FS22 Server OriginFarmingRP | Deutschland Deutschland 0/0 Offline
454 FS22 Server OriginFarmingRP | Deutschland Deutschland 0/0 Offline
506 FS22 Server Demo Ostenwalde Deutschland 0/0 Offline
536 FS25 Server [FaM] #2 Springs Deutschland 0/0 Offline
249 FS22 Server Haymakers | 3.0 Denmark 0/16 Online
152 FS25 Server Haymakers25 | Casual Denmark 2/16 Online
172 FS25 Server Haymakers25 | Hutan Denmark 3/16 Online
156 FS22 Server Haymakers | 1.0 Denmark 0/16 Online
155 FS22 Server Haymakers | 2.0 Denmark 0/16 Online
91 FS25 Server FarmingDenmark Denmark 0/8 Online
233 FS22 Server SbSh LU-PooL Dawn-Server TL+ DE 0/8 Online
226 FS25 Server Jyde Potten Danmark 0/4 Online
581 FS25 Server Nordisk Landbrug Danmark 0/0 Offline
444 FS25 Server JZD MT https://discord.gg/vZzYDVrUNG Czech Republic 0/0 Offline
Displaying 401-425 of 591

Server List Info

The following icons may be found in the server lists.
Featured Servers - Top active servers that have high rankings.
Trending Servers - Servers that have higher than normal player activity.
Verified Servers - Servers that are verified with premium status.
New Servers - Servers that were added within the past 30 days.
Seasoned Servers - Servers that have been around over 6 months.
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Farm Sim Game

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