Searching Servers seasons



These are all servers that can be sorted to find the server you want to see.
Rank Title Location Players Status
527 FS22 Server mister frio россия 0/0 Offline
529 FS22 Server ranho россия 0/0 Offline
526 FS22 Server rustam gazetdinov Антигуа и Барбуда 0/0 Offline
308 FS22 Server Ace River Ranch pc only players USA (San Jose, CA) 0/0 Offline
129 FS25 Server Argsy - Hutan Pantai USA 0/12 Online
174 FS22 Server FGA Canyon Crossing USA 0/10 Online
297 FS22 Server KAWS Farming Playground USA 0/8 Online
273 FS25 Server Great Lakes Farming USA 0/8 Online
156 FS25 Server Horizon #4 USA 0/7 Online
319 FS22 Server JOINT VENTUERS USA 0/0 Offline
553 FS25 Server tAg Farms USA 0/0 Offline
483 FS22 Server Pickin’ Stones USA 0/0 Offline
428 FS22 Server LifeAfterDayz USA 0/0 Offline
478 FS22 Server Farming Playground KAWS USA 0/0 Offline
415 FS25 Server Olive Us Farming USA 0/0 Offline
300 FS25 Server Drews FS Server US 0/8 Online
564 FS25 Server Forever Farming US 0/0 Offline
462 FS22 Server J&U Farms (PRIVATE) US 0/0 Offline
368 FS25 Server Willow Creek Farm United States of America 0/16 Online
288 FS22 Server A H J Farming United States Of America 0/8 Online
443 FS25 Server 10 Acres United States of America 0/0 Offline
256 FS22 Server Dazed Dedicated Server - The oaks 24/7 United States - West Coast 0/0 Offline
194 FS25 Server CGC Forestry & Mining United States 0/16 Online
155 FS25 Server BrothersTrust United States 1/16 Online
65 FS22 Server Capital Gaming United States 0/16 Online
Displaying 1-25 of 169

Server List Info

The following icons may be found in the server lists.
Featured Servers - Top active servers that have high rankings.
Trending Servers - Servers that have higher than normal player activity.
Verified Servers - Servers that are verified with premium status.
New Servers - Servers that were added within the past 30 days.
Seasoned Servers - Servers that have been around over 6 months.
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