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TLX Phoenix Series

TLX Phoenix Series
Mod NameTLX Phoenix Series
Game Farming Simulator 22
ManufacturerLizard Motors
Size140.51 MB
Release Date19.07.2023
PlatformPC/MAC, PS4, PS5, XB1, XBS
Views 117
Downloads 0
FSG 0 (0)
ModHub 5.0 (11926)

TLX Phoenix Semi A classic, the truck, the best semi in FS19 is back better than ever! An all-powerfull longnose semi with the highest range of options and customizations Featured functions/options: - New set of custom colors made for the ocasion - Entering animation - The doors Open (function Open Cover) - The windows can be lowered/raised - Full animated dashboard - Totally functional mirrors - Adjustable 5th wheels - Hidden rear hitch; visible only when in use - Dynamic hoses for the connections of the trailers (it depends on the trailer) - Custom illumination along the whole truck. You will want to drive at night! - Custom engine sounds captured from a real Cummins BigCam2 (Including jake brake, horn...) - Custom engine sounds captured from a real Detroit D60 (Including jake brake, horn...) - Custom engine sounds captured from a real CAT3408 (Including jake brake, horn...) - Strapable for easy transportation Featured configurations available at the store: - Configurations: wheelbase setup from short, mid, long, heavy hauling, 2 sleepers, Turbowing, ... - Special Editions: Black Belle, Copperhead, Silver Bullet and Sad Belle - Front Bumpers; 5+ options and combinations! - Design for stripes; Houston style with 3 variations, Seminole... - Rear fenders; 10+ options to choose! - Front Visor; 3 options: Stock, Drop visor and bow tie - Extra mirrors; 2 additional options set on the hood/front fenders - Extra lights; a lot of them!! - Wheels configurations; countless options of tires/rims to match youyr style! - Engine options; starting with a T9-000 basic engine and climb up to the all powerful T9-525 all represented with custom badges on at the sides of the cabin - Exhausts configurations; choose in between more than 10 options! - Extras options; Headache rack with 3 variations! - Rigid X2 Configuration - Price (base) 82119 $ Available elements to move/control via joystick/mouseControls (depending on the store options setup) - Windows roll up-down - 5th wheel adjustable - Rear hitch adjustable (when selected on the Configurations) - Rack worklights adjustable (when selected on the configurations) Attachments included (Compatible only with the Rigid X2 Configuration of any Phoenix): - X2 Dumper attachment Capacity (base): 21820 L Price: 4500 $ - X2 Logger attachment Extendable Poles in width and heigh Price: 2500 $ - X2 Flatbed with several versions Flatbed - Different lenghts / Sides options - Animals Transport (8 cows; 20 sheep; 20 pigs) - Bales Autoload 18 bales of all round/square bales types; No cotton - Price: 4500 $ Tanker - Multiproduct transportation - Slurry spreader configurations - Price: 4500 $ Mini-bales Autoload - 252 Minibales automatically loaded - Price: 4500 $ Pallets Autoload - Fill up to 17 pallets from all your factories - Price: 4500 $ Implements included - X2 Pup-trailer Base frame to mount on top the X2 Implements listed above Price: 2500 $ - Dolly A dolly that matches the fenders/wheels configurations on the Phoenix! Adjustable 5th Wheel and also rear hitch Price: 3500 $ Changelog v1.1.0.0: Added: - New wheel configurations - New Tracks configurations - New Truck AgroWork - New Attachment for the AgroWork - Holmer Auger - New 3 versions of the Phoenix with reduced engine volumes - Jake Brake can be deactivated Changed - Autoload mechanichs - Support for multiple productions (modhub mods required for them to work) - Revised collisions when attaching the beds Changelog v1.1.2.0: - Added Rack with Winch (REQUIRES PLATINUM DLC to WORK) - Added support for additional pallets with products from the following productions, among others: Modname: Grain Mill Plus ZipName: Modname: Planty Production ZipName: Modname: Packing Facility ZipName: Modname: Production For Empty Pallets And Barrels ZipName: Modname: Production For Paper And Cardboard ZipName: Modname: Donut Production ZipName: Modname: Grain Mill Extended ZipName: Modname: Donuts Factory ZipName: Modname: Donuts Factory ZipName: Modname: Maple Syrup Production ZipName: Modname: Farm Production Pack ZipName: The Flatbed supports also: - INGAME Pallets - Recanto Da Alvorada Map: COFFEE ROASTED_COFFEE Modname: Recanto Da Alvorada Map ZipName: - La Coronella: MINERAL ALMOND CLEAN_OLIVE OLIVES_LEAVES COMPOST PALLET MELON SANDIA PAPEL CARTON OIL_SUNFLOWER OIL_CANOLA OIL_OLIVE OIL_ALMOND OIL_MAIZE BIOGAS BOX DONUTS CEREALCHOCO SHEEPCHEESE MERMELADAFRESA MERMELADATOMATE ZUMOTOMATE BATIDOFRESA BATIDOCHOCOLATE BATIDO2 BUTTEROIL PELLETS CHIPS Modname: La Coronella ZipName: - Piney Run: PIPE STEEL GOLD GOLDBAR CEMENT BRICKS ASPHALTPALLET Modname: La Coronella ZipName: Changelog v1.2.0.0: Added - 2 new store items; TLX Phoenix Service Frame V6 and V8 compatible with the TLX Service Pack - New set of tires BKT EarthMax - New option to add a Rack with Winch (Requires Platinum DLC to operate) - X3 Crusher Attachment: Crusher with 3 functions at once: Forestry Wood Crusher Stone to lime Crusher Sugarbeet to cut Sugarbeet ** Compatible with TLX Phoenix Agrowork; SuperlinerX Config. X3 and TLX9000 Config. X3 Price: 55000 $ Fixed: - Overload trigger on the X2 Tanker - Flappers setup when using dual canadian airfilter Changelog v1.2.0.1: Fixed: - Sound issues on some motor variations. Changelog v1.2.1.0: Fixed: - Adjusted the volumes on the engine brakes - Adjusted the horns - Fixed wheel selection in the service frames - Fixed the missing sound in the CAT Variaiton - Fixed the activate/deactivate on the engine brakes - Fixed the Holmer Auger discharge - Fixed the invisible driveshafts


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