AA Farms
115 Members

Server Info

we hope u enjoy your time at AA Farms. We provide 24/7 access to our farming simulator servers. If you need any assistance, let us know, we will happily help you out with any issues you happy farming

Game Servers

These are all game servers for this discord.
Rank Title Location Players Status
126 FS22 Server AA Farms S&G United Kingdom 0/0 Offline
200 FS22 Server AA farms Silage Uk 0/0 Offline

Server List Info

The following icons may be found in the server lists.
Featured Servers - Top active servers that have high rankings.
Trending Servers - Servers that have higher than normal player activity.
Verified Servers - Servers that are verified with premium status.
New Servers - Servers that were added within the past 30 days.
Seasoned Servers - Servers that have been around over 6 months.

Ratings & Reviews


3 reviews
5 stars
4 stars
3 stars
2 stars
1 stars

Login above to Rate & Review this. Let us know what you think!
- 5 months ago
Great server with excellent staff team and owners
- 6 months ago
This multiple owner server, with great attentive staff are easy to get along with and work alongside in the fields. There is high a*bition to grow to multiple maps, grow their staff and members. I highly recommend joining the serve for great work ethics, fun and ga*es, and most of all great c**versation. See you all on the fields!
👑 𝓥𝓲𝓟𝓿𝓮𝓻𝓶𝓲𝓷𝓼317👑
- 6 months ago